Get to Know Me
and My Philosophy

Angel Wilson, M.S., Autism Educator, Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist
After 15 years in the autism field, I had pretty much done it all. From Therapist, to Developmental Specialist, Supervisor, Trainer, Assessor, Interventionist, I learned and saw a LOT.
What I noticed, though, were the concerns coming from families and providers alike; a lot of people knew OF autism, but didn't really know ABOUT autism. This was especially true in minority communities or providers with a large percentage of minority students or clients.
I decided to answer this call. As this business continues to grow, I hope you will join me in advocating for autism awareness and acceptance across the board, regardless of color or culture.
The Four A's of Autism
SPARC can best be summed up using what we call the Four A's:
Awareness: Building community knowledge about autism and dispelling the myths.
Acceptance: Learning to accept and appreciate autistic people in our communities.
Affirmation: Learning the skills and tools to help young autistic people build their skills and self-worth.
Advocacy: Boldly speak up for and with the autistic community to ensure that they receive all the opportunities of their neurotypical peers.